My dearest Grandma just sent me something most precious in the mail... a quilt. And not just any quilt. This was a quilt created by many women as a wedding shower gift for a great-grand aunt of mine. The quilt has blocks created by my Grandma, her two sisters, and her mother. And it even comes with a book that the women made to tell the story of the quilt-making and includes some precious well-wishes for the new bride-to-be.
I can't believe what a treasure I have been given.
In speaking with my Grandma about the quilt, she says that she remembers scraps of dresses that she wore when she was a child that were used in the quilt. I can't think of anything more precious than to have this for my family.
Do women even do this anymore for each other? What a time it must have been when the community would come together to make such a beautiful gift of friendship for one of their own.