Isn't that crazy looking? Doesn't it look like something you would buy at the store, maybe Hulk Hands or something? Well, it's not.
It's just homemade slime. Who knew it could be so much fun?
I've seen recipes for this but never tried it (because it has Borax as one of the ingredients). Now that my girls are older, we just play by the rule that you have to wash your hands after playing with it - no hands in the mouth.
I was surprised at how many inventive games they came up with to explore the possibilities of slime. Above is the "typewriter" game... typing on the slime to make a Morse-code like message.
There was the "cover the hand with slime" game.
There was the "make a bubble" game.
My middle child liked pretending the slime was raw chicken (I don't think she has ever touched raw chicken before - but I imagine it feels a bit like it, especially when the slime has just come out of the refrigerator). She would rip off pieces and place it on a plate and watch how all the pieces would "melt" together.
Hours of fun. Literally.
There are so many places on the web with the recipe, I'll just redirect you here to find one. We used white Elmer's glue (I don't have any of the clear - I'll have to find some)... we'd like to try clear with glitter!